Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Prayer of the Blessed

Over these few weeks at church we are focusing on the book of Ephesians. The following prayer was written for use in a service, and is based on the content of Ephesians 1:3-14, and 2:1-10. 

We bring our worship to you,
Holy God,
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
For in your goodness you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing.
You have chosen us,
made us your children,
redeemed and forgiven us through Christ,
shared with us your cosmic rescue plan,
and have marked us as yours by your placing your Holy Spirit within us.

It is by your grace that we here.
For though it is tempting to make distinctions which put ourselves in generous light,
we know that we too share in the wayward and deadening tendencies we so easily condemn in others.
But we also know this:
You are rich in mercy, and your love for us is great.
So great that even at our very worst - 
tarnished, empty, lifeless - 
you have not turned us aside
but saved us through Christ,
promised us the riches of your eternal kindness,
and called us to participate in your works of goodness.

We are blessed indeed,
and for this we glorify you. 

Monday, 15 September 2014

Lord of Hosts

Over the last ten days I have been on a college placement trip to Romania. I travelled with a group of other ministerial students; our hosts and guides were contacts from the Baptist Union of Romania and a Baptist Seminary in Bucharest with whom our college has long-term links. Before going I didn't really know what to expect, but from the first day to the last I have been overwhelmed with the welcome we received and the experiences we were given. Indeed, the wonderful hospitality of our Romanian hosts led me to reflect again on the unceasing goodness and generosity of God - 'The Lord of Hosts'! 

The Lord is my Host

The Lord is my host, I shall not want.
He welcomes me with warmth and enthusiasm,
And He sets me at ease so I can be myself.
He offers me a rich tapestry of new experiences
And he honours me with His lavish generosity.

He leads me to new places beyond my imagination
Joyfully sharing the best He has to offer.
Even though the road may be scary and steep
Your assurance subsides my alarm,
And I entrust myself to You as You take the wheel;
The views are worth it.

You lay out feasts before me
Always providing more than I could possibly need.
The programme you have for me is demanding,
But you build me up in the strength that I require:
My plate is always full.

Surely your invitation will call out to me all the days of my life
And I will return to you again and again.