Tuesday, 5 July 2016

A Blessing

May God grant us:

Time                    to ponder life’s beauty,
Strength               to bear all its tyranny,
and Humour        to laugh at its folly;

Love                     to cherish our friends,
                             to be open to the stranger,
                             and to pardon our enemy;

Hope                     to envision God’s Kingdom come,
with Confidence   to play our own part
and Humility         to let others play theirs;

Discipline             to resist what is evil,
Anger                    to challenge injustice,
Compassion          to mourn with the broken;

Tenacity                to stand in adversity,
Patience                to live with our limits,

           and ultimately,
           even when all else fails,

Faith                      to trust in the saving grace of God.
