Friday 26 July 2013


Why don't you do something, Lord?
How can you let it be this way?

Aren't you the God of infinite love and grace,
Who cares for our every need,
Who created us and wants each one to prosper and flourish?

I do believe that.
I've see it in action.
I can't help but thank and praise you
For who you are and what you have done.

And yet, so many suffer.
So why Lord?

Why don't I do something?
How can I let it be this way?

For you are the God of infinite love and grace,
Who cares for every need
Who created us and wants each one to prosper and flourish.

Forgive me for my indifference.
Teach me to love as you do,
And in humble service,
to care for a hurting world.

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